Chip Su of The Brooklyn Monarch: Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Uncertain & Turbulent Times

Giving up has never crossed my mind because there is nothing to give up. This is such a vital part of who and what I am that giving up would be the same as dying. The work my team and I have done, my family, the very challenges you ask about are the things that sustain my drive. I honor everything that came before and all that is to come by never stopping my reach toward success.
As part of our series about the “Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times”, we had the pleasure of interviewing Chip Su, founder and owner of The Brooklyn Monarch music and event venue.
Chip was born in Surabaya, Indonesia and immigrated to America with his family in 2000. They bought a home in Elmhurst, NY, where Chip’s career in the music industry began. Over the years, Chip worked several service jobs and as a musician to save money in order to open his first nightclub. In 2016, Chip opened The Kingsland Bar and Grill. With the success his first club brought, Chip decided to expand his enterprise, opening the Brooklyn Monarch in 2020. For the last two years, Chip and his team have been working to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic bringing exciting live music back to New York City. Chip hopes his love of entertainment is felt by all as people enjoy their time at the Brooklyn Monarch, Kingsland, Brooklyn Meadows, and Sovereign Smokehouse.
Thank you so much for your time! I know that you are a very busy person. Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?
Istarted out working various positions in the hospitality field around New York city restaurants and bars. From being a dishwasher, line cook, busser, bartender, and manager I learned a lot about customer service.
It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
Honestly, I don’t have any funny mistakes from when I was starting out. Mistakes didn’t get “funny” till I was well into this career path and I knew how to handle things better. When I was starting out, Every step felt critical. Every deal, production and event felt weighted and important as I worked to build my reputation and brand as a Talent buyer and promoter. The biggest lesson I learned from the early days is to pay attention to the details for everything that crosses your desk because that’s where the devil tends to be.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?
This is very true and I pride myself on having cultivated a team of hard working professionals I work with and rely on every day to build this dream into a success with me. Each person on my team comes with a story worthy of a marvel movie so maybe one day I can share them all with you!
Extensive research suggests that “purpose-driven businesses” are more successful in many areas. When your organization started, what was its vision, what was its purpose?
My vision was simple. Take this broken and jaded NYC nightlife business and inject it with new energy, better deals for artists, and Better experiences for guests and elevate it all for myself and everyone around me.
Thank you for all that. Let’s now turn to the main focus of our discussion. Can you share with our readers a story from your own experience about how you lead your team during uncertain or difficult times?
Well the most relevant example of this for us all is surviving covid right? We had JUST finished building the Brooklyn monarch out and we were set to have our first 800 person show when the order to shut the world down can through. Instantly the livelihoods of these men and women who built this dream with me came screeching to holts around me and none of us immediately knew what to do. So, I hit the streets in any way I could to keep the lights in the venues on while the city did nothing to help out. I myself took 3 jobs.
Did you ever consider giving up? Where did you get the motivation to continue through your challenges? What sustains your drive?
Giving up has never crossed my mind because there is nothing to give up. This is such a vital part of who and what I am that giving up would be the same as dying. The work my team and I have done, my family, the very challenges you ask about are the things that sustain my drive. I honor everything that came before and all that is to come by never stopping my reach toward success.
I’m an author and I believe that books have the power to change lives. Do you have a book in your life that impacted you and inspired you to be an effective leader? Can you share a story?
I’ve never been a reader to be honest. I rarely have the time and when I do, it’s usually contracts or new nightlife laws I HAVE to read about.
What would you say is the most critical role of a leader during challenging times?
Leadership is a role right? So I’d say the most critical aspect of that role in challenging times is composure. Being level and wise enough to handle issues as they arise is the main make or break factor of leadership. The composure of the leader in a situation is almost infectious so if your team sees you freaking out and unsure, they too will waver but if you keep calm and confident as you figure things out, your team can move with confidence in themselves and the vision as well.
When the future seems so uncertain, what is the best way to boost morale? What can a leader do to inspire, motivate and engage their team?
In my experience, leading from the front does the trick. Never hiding, facing challenges together and being concrete in your conviction is the way to be as a leader. The future is ALWAYS uncertain, especially in this business so you can either sit and wait while it takes shape around you or you can forge ahead and build it yourself with the power you have today.
What is the best way to communicate difficult news to one’s team and customers?
Be forward, clear and honest while being circumspect.
How can a leader make plans when the future is so unpredictable?
Well, As I said before, we forge our future over here! The only constant in this universe is change!
Is there a “number one principle” that can help guide a company through the ups and downs of turbulent times?
Be adaptive.
Can you share 3 or 4 of the most common mistakes you have seen other businesses make during difficult times? What should one keep in mind to avoid that?
Getting greedy on deals, Underestimating the cost of productions, not paying attention to details, focusing too hard on the money. Patience and surety clears most of that up!
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
“Knowledge is strength but wisdom is power” Knowing how to apply the things I’ve learned over the years has been instrumental in my ability to overcome hardship and build stronger connections around me.
How can our readers further follow your work?
Follow our venues on Instagram and Facebook at The Brooklyn Monarch, The Kingsland Presents and The Brooklyn Meadows!
Thank you so much for these amazing insights. This was so inspiring, and we wish you continued success!
Chip Su of The Brooklyn Monarch: Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.