Niaby Codd of The Spirit of Life Productions: Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel; 5 Reasons To Be Hopeful During This Corona Crisis

We need to learn to listen to people without judgement. To hear them with understanding and compassion, even if what they are feeling or thinking differs from our own experience. We are all different. We all have different fears, anxieties, sensitivities and insecurities. We are all affected by different things in different ways.
As a part of my series about the things we can do to remain hopeful and support each other during anxious times, I had the pleasure of interviewing Niaby Codd.
Niaby is an ex stockbroker turned healer, medium, intuitive life guidance coach, podcast host and author of The Spirit of Life book, which was channelled back in 2015 for this very time in history. She is also a seer who is often one step ahead in seeing what lies ahead for humanity.
Niaby is also the director of The Spirit of Life Productions Ltd, a company that seeks to inspire people to be who they came here to be.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?
It has been a long journey that brought me here. To become who I actually am, I first had to walk a long and winding road being someone that I was not.
My entire identity was wrapped up in who I thought I was supposed to be. Stockbroker and party girl, society’s moneymaker, burning the candle at both ends to survive being the product of society’s will.
Burying my head in the sand. Partying as a way to escape the dark thoughts that tried so hard to slip into my mind. The thoughts that told me that I was not where I was supposed to be. That told me that I was making myself sick and depressed. That told me that I was losing the very essence of who I am.
I could not allow myself to listen to those thoughts. I had to keep going. I had to keep making money no matter what the cost. I had to be someone. I had to prove myself to a world that had not accepted the essence of me as a child. I had to show that I was worth something.
The depravities of sickness ravaged my body, my mind becoming more polluted by the darkness that tried to take me. Sickness, depression, despair. The symptoms of burnout trying to offer me the gift of change, but I refused to see the gift that was being offered to me.
It took six full years of sickness and burnout banging at my door before I allowed myself the luxury of seeing what was on the other side.
The gift of change can be scary when we are unable to see it through the eyes of clarity. We often cling onto the life that we know, even when the life that we know is burying us beneath its ambush, out of fear of what we can not yet see. But often, when we embrace the gift of change, what is on the other side of change can be the very thing that leads us towards becoming the person that we came here to be.
My journey to become that person has been long and challenging yet beautiful and rewarding. It has seen me reconnecting with gifts that I did not even remember that I possessed. It has seen me following my dreams and healing my heart. It has seen me growing in strength and wisdom and healing all that made me feel unworthy.
As someone who has embraced the gift of change with all of her might, I now hope to inspire others to be the best possible version of themselves by being the best possible version of myself.
That is what led me to set up The Spirit of Life Productions Ltd, a company that inspires people to be who they came here to be.
Through my podcast, I challenge the constraints of society in a bid to help people to see how they can set themselves free. Through my book, I show people how to reconnect with the true essence of who they are. Through my music, I will be healing people with my words and my melodies, and through my intuitive life guidance sessions, I help people to see the blocks that are standing in the way of them stepping into the power of who they truly are.
Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?
The Conversations with God series by Neale Donald Walsch was one of the first spiritual books that I started reading after walking away from my stockbroking career. I loved these books. I resonated on a very deep level with everything that was being said. I knew it to be truth because I already felt it on a deep level as my own truth.
A year and a half later, when I started channelling my own book ‘The Spirit of Life’ I realised how in alignment the information that was coming forth in my own book was to that which was channelled in The Conversations with God series.
At this point, I had not yet read the 3rd book in the series so I decided that I would not read it until after I finished writing my own book. I wanted to make sure that I was a clear channel for what was coming through, without any external influence.
I started channelling the book in 2015, not long after my father passed away from stage 4 brain cancer. On his death bed, we had spoken of my plans to trek to Everest Base Camp, a journey which I was due to undertake on Halloween that year.
My luggage was delayed by 24 hours, delaying the start of my trek. This meant that I actually started my trek on the 1st of November 2015, my dad’s birthday.
Having completed the first day’s trek, I sat down to write a little more of my book. What ended up coming, unbeknownst to me as I was writing it, was the conclusion. This meant that I finished writing my book on Mount Everest, on my dad’s 1st birthday since his passing.
This to me was a beautiful gift that showed me that my dad was still very much a part of my journey.
After 13 long and grinding days, I finally finished my trek and flew to a beautiful town called Pokhara to rest and recuperate. I was craving avocados so when I walked past a little Australian cafe, promoting their smashed avo on a small billboard outside, I knew that this was the place for me.
Low and behold, on a bookshelf inside the cafe, quietly nestled away amongst the other books, was Conversations with God part 3. I, therefore, spent my next 4 days resting and relaxing in that cafe, eating smashed avo every day and reading the final book in the series that I had found so inspiring. Once again, I saw just how in alignment it was with the words of wisdom that came through in my own book.
My book will always be linked and aligned with The Conversations with God books in my mind, but whilst Neale Donald Walsch’s books were the first to inspire me, it is my own book that has taken me on the deepest journey of self.
Writing that book forced me to challenge all that I thought I knew, whilst going on the journey to heal myself from all that held me under.
If my book can inspire even half of the people that The Conversation with God series has done, then I would have achieved what I came to this life to achieve.
Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s move to the main focus of our interview. Many people have become anxious from the dramatic jolts of the news cycle. The fears related to the coronavirus pandemic have heightened a sense of uncertainty, fear, and loneliness. From your perspective can you help our readers to see the “Light at the End of the Tunnel”? Can you share your “5 Reasons To Be Hopeful During this Corona Crisis”? If you can, please share a story or example for each.
- People are reconnecting with what’s important — for so long now, we have been disconnected from ourselves, our families, nature, our natural gifts, passions and dreams — the very essence of who we are. We have been stressed, tired, overworked and overwhelmed. We are a society of people who pretend that we are happy but who have found our happiness through the things that we can buy with the money that we make. We have forgotten how to be us. We have forgotten how to feel. We have forgotten how to simply be. Lockdown gave us the opportunity to slow down, to stop for a while. It gave us the opportunity to rest, to be alone with our thoughts and feelings, to question ourselves and our realities. It gave us the opportunity to see what was important for us, beyond the daily grind. It gave us the opportunity to see who and what matters most to us. To strip things back to basics and appreciate the more simple things in life. It gave us the opportunity to remember who we are. Having worked out what is important and what is not, people now have the opportunity to make new decisions, based on these new discoveries. They can start to implement changes into their lives that can see them thriving instead of declining. It is up to us what we do with these opportunities, but these opportunities can create change in a world that so desperately needs it.
- We now have the opportunity to follow our dreams instead of the money — we live in a society that teaches us to follow the money instead of our dreams. At school, we are taught to be who we are not, instead of who we are. We are taught that we need to be good at certain subjects to succeed. We are taught to follow the money to the detriment of our soul. Through these teachings and the belief systems that have been created, we lose ourselves to a system where the true essence of who we are is often unable to be seen. As challenging as it may be to create this change, lockdown gave people the opportunity to see the person that they really want to be. It also gave us the opportunity to see that even the jobs that we once thought of as safe, society’s moneymakers, are no longer as safe as we once thought. Whilst this may sound scary at first, this can also be seen as a beautiful opportunity to find the courage to start living out our dreams. If no job is safe, maybe it’s worth taking a risk to create the dream job that we have always wanted, instead of working towards creating somebody else’s dream. Many people have already tapped into the new opportunities that are awaiting them on the other side of finding the courage to change. Many more people will start to discover the new opportunities that are awaiting them too, as time goes on. A society of people living from their heart creates a world that is based on love instead of fear. It creates a world where people can thrive by simply being who they came here to be.
- We now have the opportunity to create a whole new world — our world has needed to see change for a really long time now but much of what we need to change seems impossible when things are so deeply ingrained into our system and our minds. Before 2020 we would have thought it impossible for the world to shut down in the way that we have now experienced. We can use this new perception of what is and isn’t possible as a way to change our perception of the new possibilities that we can create. Nothing is impossible. Thinking it so is simply a limitation of the belief system that our society has created. By being the people that we came here to be, instead of the people that our society has created, we can bring about change in ways that seemed impossible before. We all have natural gifts, talents, ideas and dreams that, once implemented, can change the very basis and structure of the society that we currently live in. We all hold different parts of the jigsaw puzzle — when we come together with our natural gifts and talents, we can create a whole new picture than that which has been created through the lives that we currently lead. We just have to find the courage to be who we came here to be.
- Change comes when we reach breaking point — it is unfortunate that often, many of us do not make the much-needed changes in our lives until we reach breaking point and are therefore left with no option but to change. It took six years of ill health and burnout until I finally recognized that the life that I was living was taking from me the very essence of who I was born to be. But what felt like the biggest curse at the time actually ended up being the biggest gift that life had ever given to me, as it allowed me to free myself from all that was keeping me enslaved. I have now created the life that I wanted for myself, the life that I was born to lead, through accepting this beautiful gift of change. Through all that is happening in the world, humanity is being pushed to its breaking point. We are being offered the gift to change as we collectively reach that breaking point. We now have the opportunity to be the phoenix that rises from the ashes of humanity’s own destruction. This may be both challenging and scary as we go through this process but we have the opportunity to make much-needed changes in our world for the future of ourselves as well as future generations. We CAN make a difference. We can make huge impacts by simply being who we came here to be then sharing the magic that we are with the world through the gifts that we came forthwith.
- Real relationships are being forged both with ourselves and with others — many new and deep relationships were formed during lockdown as a result of not being able to go out. We live in a fast-paced society where love, attraction and romantic encounters are forged quickly. In such a fast-paced environment, often real connection can be missed. Lockdown gave new and potential couples the chance to really get to know each other, albeit through technology, before embarking on relationships too quickly. Without the fast-paced lifestyle that we see today where people live fast, love fast, act fast and change their minds fast, lockdown gave people the opportunity to really explore getting to know a person, before embarking on physical encounters, therefore building a more meaningful relationship and connection with them. It gave us the chance to build deeper bonds in our friendships, recognizing who our true friends are and who are just the people that we partied or socialized with. We were offered this opportunity by seeing who fell away quickly and easily from our lives and who were still in contact and around for the long haul. It also gave us the opportunity to get to know ourselves better. To start to forge real relationships with ourselves. To see what makes us tick, what makes us happy, sad, inspired or frustrated. To see the person that we truly are beneath all of society’s chatter and stimuli. We were unable to run away from ourselves during lockdown. We had to process our feelings, our fears, our anger and our pain. With fewer distractions, we had to look ourselves straight in the eye, which would have made some of us question the person that we had become. Real connection is one of the most powerful things in our world — it truly is what makes the world go round, but we have pushed it aside in favor of money and things that glisten. During lockdown, we started to recognize just how important connection is when we were unable to physically be with our families and loved ones. By starting to reconnect back to ourselves, our true friends and our natural gifts and passions, we have started the journey to reconnect to the true essence of who we are and who we came here to be. If we are honest with ourselves, we are always looking for connection, but in a society that bombards us with external stimuli, we often end up looking for connection in all the wrong places. We have forgotten how to use our sensitivities to feel what true connection is. We go from place to place, party to party, social occasion to social occasion, constantly searching for something or someone. We WANT to feel that connection, but when we are unable to, we replace that need with external stimuli and stimulants, which all end up pushing us further away from our true desire. By allowing ourselves to feel true connection to people instead of only experiencing the fast-paced lifestyle that we are used to, we are allowing ourselves to open up to the true reality of who the human race is meant to be. We are all one. We are all connected. We are all beautiful, magical beings who came here to be so much more than what our current system allows for. When we open up to connection to ourselves and others, the world suddenly becomes a much more magical place. Life starts to flow more beautifully. True connection can bring us home to self. What has this got to do with corona you may ask? Well, corona has given us the opportunity to see just how disconnected we have become from ourselves and each other. It has given us the opportunity to see how disconnected we have become from what it means to be human. It has given us the opportunity to see how disconnected we have become from what it truly means to be free. When we come together as one and start to connect with the human race, we achieve great things. We can heal all that has kept us disconnected from each other, simply by reconnecting with the true reality of ourselves because when we connect with ourselves, we can connect with the oneness of all that is. Connection can bring about powerful change in a world that has been crying out for that change for so very long. We now have the chance to change the world by simply being who we came here to be. By reconnecting back to self and back to others, we have an opportunity to create a whole new world that is based on love rather than fear, but we must choose love instead of the fear that we are currently connecting into. When we connect into love we change the vibration of the planet. When we feed into fear, we become more disconnected from each other. I know that many feel that there is a lot to be fearful of right now but love really can set us free. We can allow the fear of the virus to allow us to become even more disconnected, by fearing each other, or we can remember the importance of connection to one another and choose to be free.
From your experience or research what are five steps that each of us can take to effectively offer support to those around us who are feeling anxious? Can you explain?
1) We need to learn to listen to people without judgement. To hear them with understanding and compassion, even if what they are feeling or thinking differs from our own experience. We are all different. We all have different fears, anxieties, sensitivities and insecurities. We are all affected by different things in different ways.
Telling someone how they should be thinking or feeling does not help. Often people just need to be heard, so let’s just listen.
2) We can go out for walks with people in nature, socially distancing if need be. Nature helps to calm us, alleviating stress and bringing us back into our natural alignment and well being.
It can take us away from our worries and allow us to connect to something beautiful, giving us time away from our anxious thought patterns. It can help to bring us back into ourselves.
3) We can connect to people, in whatever way that person is comfortable with us connecting in with them.
I have already spoken about the power of connection so it is important that people know that they are surrounded by love. Whether it be a phone call, a cup of tea, a walk in the park, or something else, allowing someone to feel your presence and know that you are there for them can help to alleviate their stress and anxiety.
4) We can offer acts of kindness such as doing someone’s shopping if they are too anxious to go out. Not only would this alleviate the stress that they feel around going out, but it will also remind them of the beauty and love in the world through our simple act of kindness.
With all of the fear that is being perpetuated right now, simply reminding someone of the love and beauty in the world can bring them back into a place of peace and harmony, if only for a little while.
5) We can remind them of all of the good things that are coming out of this situation. We can remind them of all of the good and positive things that are still happening in the world, despite the virus. We can remind them of the person that they are.
We can find other people’s acts of kindness and love through social media or YouTube to share with them. We can help to bring them back to themselves and remind them that it is a beautiful world that we live in when we are not succumbing to fear.
What are the best resources you would suggest to a person who is feeling anxious?
1) The most powerful and fear reducing change that I could suggest that somebody make right now would be to switch off the news.
When we watch the news we are inviting fear into our living room. The news is 24/7 coronavirus and, for the most part, is not telling us anything that we do not already know.
When we have the news switched on we are living and breathing the virus. We are inviting it to infest our mind and pollute it with its fearful rhetoric.
When we switch off the news we can get back to a greater place of harmony within our own thoughts.
2) Rather than watching the news, I would suggest watching a funny movie or getting lost in a good book. Laughing is a powerful healing tool and can be a great release from all of the stress.
We need to reconnect back with the fun things in life and remember who we are. Laugh, dance, walk in nature, spend time with friends (in whatever capacity you feel comfortable to do so) but we need to get back to ourselves and the things that we love doing.
3) Meditating can be a great way to get back to self. Meditating does not necessarily mean that we have to sit in silence with our eyes closed, although this is a very powerful way to restore calmness and balance to the mind. Meditating can also be achieved through walking, dancing, singing or even washing the dishes. It is simply an opportunity to be with self and zone out of the daily grind for a while.
When we focus on positive things and experiences, our minds process them as if they were actually happening to us, which can then bring our bodies back into a more positive state of being. We can use the time that we meditate to focus on things that feel good to us, thus allowing both our minds and bodies to feel the impact of these positive thoughts.
4) Whenever possible, we need to try to bring ourselves back to the now. Whatever our fears and worries are, the things that we are worrying about are not usually happening in the present moment. They are only brought into the present moment by us worrying about them.
We need to remind ourselves of where we are right now. Often, the present moment can be full of joy and beauty, if only we could remove the fear and worries of that which has not yet happened from our mind.
When we worry, we often bring those fears and worries to us. When we focus on the things that we love and the beauty in life, we draw more of that to us.
We need to look at what we are currently experiencing and get back to the true reality of the moment, it is there that we shall find our balance.
5) Breathing is a very powerful tool to reduce anxiety and get us back into the body. Considering that breathing is one of the most natural things in the world to do, most of us do not actually know how to do it properly!
Many of us shallow breathe into the chest but we need to breathe deeply, filling our lungs, stomachs and rib cages with our breath.
There are many different breathing techniques that one can learn to realign us with ourselves and bring us back into a state of equilibrium.
I would highly recommend walking in nature and taking in some deep breaths of the fresh air that nature gifts to us.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life?
I would actually like to share one of my own life lesson quotes here — ‘Every one of us has a gift, a gift that will help to heal the rift’.
I spoke earlier of how we all have different gifts and talents that we are born with but how our society trains us to follow the money instead of our dreams. This quote alludes to the need for us to get back to self by reconnecting with our natural gifts and passions. When we do this, we naturally start to heal ourselves by connecting back to the true reality of who we are.
It is my very strong belief that, when each of us come together, standing firmly in the power of our gifts, we can create huge changes in our world by using the gifts that we were born with.
We are taught to be who we are not, and therefore chase dreams and jobs that are not necessarily in alignment with who we are. This can cause huge rifts and fractures in our own wellbeing, which then ripple out to the rest of the world through our thoughts, frustrations, limiting beliefs and behaviours.
This ripple effect goes backwards and forwards, round and round, further perpetuating an unbalanced and unhappy society. By simply being who we came here to be, we can change that, one personal journey at a time.
By using our natural gifts and talents, we can create new roles in society and move forward with new ideas and inspiration, instead of following the same tired old belief system that leaves many of us feeling broken and fractured.
By reconnecting to my own natural gifts and talents, I am now able to use them to inspire change in others. By reconnecting with my passions, I naturally started to heal myself. I now seek to inspire others to find the power to heal themselves, so in turn, they too can inspire others to do the same.
By doing this, we reverse the ripple effect to enable us to create more positively in the world that we wish to see.
You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
The journey into self is the most powerful and positive movement that I could wish to inspire.
I have spoken here of the powerful changes that can come as a result of connecting back to self and back to our dreams. It is my belief, as a seer, that we are currently embarking on one of the most powerful times in humanity’s history. We are on the precipice of change, being offered this gift of change through all that we see going on in the world right now.
We are going through what is known as an ascension process — a time when humanity shall start to grow, thrive and shift in its conscious understanding of who we are and who we came here to be.
Through all that is happening in the world right now, we now have the opportunity to reassess ourselves, our beliefs and the very world that we live in.
We have the opportunity to start to re-align ourselves with our natural gifts, dreams and passions and in so doing, are being offered the opportunity to start the journey into healing ourselves.
The world has been mad for a long time but that madness is now coming up to the surface for all to see. By seeing the madness, we can start to see all that the madness has created within us as well.
When we see that, we can start to see all that needs to be healed. When we embark on the healing journey of self, we can set ourselves free from all that has held us under. When we set ourselves free, we can then shine our light of love out onto a world that so desperately needs to be healed.
There has never been a more prominent time in history than now to make the changes that our world needs to see. We make these changes by simply being who we came here to be. By standing in the full power of who we are and what we came here to do.
Taking the journey into self allows us to see the truth of who we really are. We can step into the power of this truth by recognising all that has held us under and healing from all that has kept us enslaved.
We change the world, one personal journey at a time. This may have seemed impossible before but, as I already mentioned, so did the whole world shutting down before 2020.
Our current events have had such a deep impact on humanity that humanity is now ready to rise. It may be that not everyone is ready to take this journey yet but those of us who are, are now large enough in numbers that we can make positive ripples on society. As those ripples start to make waves, others will also become ready to ride the wave that ripples through society. Round and round this will go until our journeys impact society so greatly that society will not help but be impacted by the change that we wish to see.
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Thank you for these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!
Niaby Codd of The Spirit of Life Productions: Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel; 5 Reasons To… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.