Give in to the creative chaos. Whether it’s in your life or in your work, the best ideas come from following unexpected turns. There is no linear path to success. Enjoy the maze by committing to experiencing it fully.
As part of my series about “authors who are making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing C.E. Scantlebury.
C.E. Scantlebury is the author of The Legend of CacklePatch, a book that made the top ten list of Amazon’s Hot New Releases in its category within the first week of its release. Known for blending fairy tale charm with just a touch of the macabre, Scantlebury brings a unique perspective celebrating creativity, individuality, and a fascination for all things supernatural. Beyond CacklePatch, Scantlebury is a featured contributor to tech and travel publications such as Ultimate Experiences and Hotels & Resorts, where she shares insights on everything from the latest cameras to off-the-beaten-path adventures. A true aficionado of Hallowe’en and the spooky season, Scantlebury’s work is often infused with a playful, campy sensibility that resonates with readers of all ages, which has established her as a standout voice in the world of imaginative, feel-good fiction. She lives in New Jersey with her modern blended family including her partner, three kids, and their shared mop of a dog.
Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into the main focus of our interview, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?
Thanks very much for having me! I was blessed to have a wonderful childhood where imagination was celebrated. My world was full of stories. At bedtime, my mom often read to us…usually excerpts from one of her murder mystery books. My Aunt Kathy had a gift for making us kids laugh so hard we couldn’t breathe, spinning yarns that were as funny as they were creative.
And Halloween? That was a full family affair. We dressed up together in themed costumes and even built elaborate floats to ride in the holiday parade through town. These priceless moments instilled in me a love for storytelling and the kind of imaginative worlds I try to bring to life through my work.
When you were younger, was there a book that you read that inspired you to take action or changed your life? Can you share a story about that?
My youth revolved around Nancy Drew. At a time when little girls were complimented for being sweet and looking pretty, Nancy the “girl detective” was brave, smart, and endlessly adventurous. I devoured Carolyn Keene’s books, fascinated by her character’s independence and sharp mind.
Nancy made it clear to me that curiosity wasn’t just okay; it was powerful. Looking back, I realize Nancy was one of my earliest literary role models who taught me that there’s so much more to being a girl than being pleasant.
It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
When I was a younger writer, I learned the hard way that you can’t force creativity. I remember trying to obsessively plan every detail of a story, from the plot arc down to the tiniest character quirks. Then when it came time to write, everything felt rigid and stifled.
My best work came when I scrapped the meticulous planning and just let the story take me where it wanted to go. Don’t get me wrong — understanding the craft and mechanics of writing is vital. But when it comes to fiction, you can’t over-engineer the process. Inspiration has to flow naturally. Instead, I learned to focus my energy on creating an environment where my imagination could wander — where the characters could speak to me, and the story could unfold organically. It’s a bit like being a chef who learned from recipes, but now cooks from the heart. The room for spontaneity yields a better end product and is a much more rewarding process.
Can you describe how you aim to make a significant social impact with your book?
My goal with The Legend of CacklePatch is to create a meaningful impact by reshaping how we perceive individuality as a society. From childhood, many of us feel pressured to fit into narrow standards of what is “cool” or “normal,” and those who don’t conform can feel marginalized or even targeted. I want to challenge that narrative, to show readers it’s not just acceptable to be themselves — it’s essential. Everyone’s unique qualities, quirks, and perspectives bring value to our shared world.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we had a culture of genuine acceptance? We need to move beyond being tolerant and make people of all ages feel understood and appreciated. It is my hope that CacklePatch encourages a broad mindset shift that helps us recognize there is no single “proper” way to exist. That the world is richer when we see the beauty in diversity, and that being inclusive is the greatest show of strength.
Can you share with us the most interesting story that you shared in your book?
The Legend of CacklePatch is a fanciful rhyming book that centers around the origin story of a mischievous Halloween raccoon. It’s accessible to younger audiences while delivering a deeper message. It’s a nod to the beauty of self-expression, encouraging people to embrace what makes them unique.
What was the “aha moment” or series of events that made you decide to bring your message to the greater world? Can you share a story about that?
I fear the The “aha moment” for CacklePatch actually came from quite the ordinary day, borne from a very tired parent. My kids had their hearts set on going to a pumpkin patch, eager for the quintessential fall experience of picking their pumpkins on a farm. But, like any parent will tell you, sometimes the idea of getting everyone in the car and navigating a weekend crowd feels less like magic and more like sheer exhaustion. So, I improvised. I grabbed a few pumpkins from the local grocery store, and in a moment of inspiration (or perhaps laziness!), I spun a tale about a magical raccoon named CacklePatch who had dropped them off especially for them.
Unlike Santa who ties his gifts to good behavior, CacklePatch had a different mission. He celebrates creativity and individuality — values that mean a lot to our family. There was no naughty list to check; simply being your true self was enough to be visited by this whimsical, pumpkin-delivering raccoon. The kids loved it. They asked lots of questions, and I made up answers. My quick grocery store run had become something special, something ours. That’s when I knew: there was something to this mischievous little raccoon, and he was worth sharing with the world.
Without sharing specific names, can you tell us a story about a particular individual who was impacted or helped by your cause?
Without a doubt, my nonverbal teenage son, who has Fragile X Syndrome and is on the Autism spectrum, has been my greatest teacher. Through him, I’ve been introduced to a domain that is gloriously different — one filled with individuals who see, express, and connect in ways that are so uniquely their own. Being part of this community has opened my eyes to the beauty of diversity and the profound ways in which it enriches all of our lives. Here, we don’t just accept people’s differences–we actively celebrate them. It’s a wonderful place that radiates strength and patience, where every achievement, no matter how small, is met with unbridled joy.
In walking this journey alongside my son, my world has grown exponentially. I’ve discovered new perspectives, learned to communicate beyond words, and have experienced a depth of empathy I might never have known otherwise. This journey has inspired me to give back, to advocate, and to help build a society that celebrates all individuals, not just in words but in action. In doing so, I hope to be a small part of fostering a more inclusive, understanding, and joyful world.
Are there three things the community/society/politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?
Solving issues around radical self-acceptance, anti-bullying, and embracing neurodivergence are absolutely issues that will require our entire society to work together. Three things we each contribute to every day are:
- Implement inclusive education: It starts with the hearts and minds of our youth. Schools should be consistently integrating lessons on neurodiversity, individuality, and above all, empathy, into curricula.
- Fund mental health programs: Anti-social behavior like bullying often results from feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem. Rather than focusing on punishing people with strict zero-tolerance policies, we also need to address underlying causes with mental health support–thereby creating a culture of acceptance.
- Celebrate diverse role models: Highlighting diverse individuals and promoting accurate depictions of neurodivergent people and characters provides a two-fold benefit. It empowers and validates those who see themselves reflected, and it also shapes the perceptions of others, normalizing differences and reducing stigma.
How do you define “Leadership”? Can you explain what you mean or give an example?
For me, and I imagine for many authors, leadership is about quiet strength. It’s seeing the path forward and helping others see it, too. We’re not at the front, shouting the loudest–we’re weaving stories and allegories that invite gentle realizations in their own time. True leadership lifts and empowers, not by force, but by creating space that allows people to discover new perspectives.
What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why? Please share a story or example for each.
- Give in to the creative chaos. Whether it’s in your life or in your work, the best ideas come from following unexpected turns. There is no linear path to success. Enjoy the maze by committing to experiencing it fully.
- Don’t be modest. Humility is a virtue, but advocating for yourself and your accomplishments is better for long term success. It’s okay to be loud and proud! That’s how you spread your message to the most people.
- Build a community, not an audience. Don’t get caught up in your numbers–how many books you’ve sold; how many followers you have. A letter from the mom of a young neurodivergent fan who loves CacklePatch so much, he sleeps with his copy of the book moved me in a way my engagement rate never has.
- Take risks, even if you’re afraid of falling. And fail you will. I was rejected by many publishers for a series of illustrated, modernized Shakespeare plays. Instead of losing faith in myself, I just kept creating.
- Be absolutely, unapologetically you. In a world where social media gives us instant dopamine hits, fight the urge to create what you think will get you “likes.” Your voice is your biggest asset; lean into that.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
In keeping with the theme of CacklePatch, I’d say it’s a quote that’s attributed to the venerable Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
We generally spend our youth yearning to fit in and early adulthood trying to stand out. In maturity, I realized leaning into one’s gifts isn’t vanity–it’s philanthropy. Being unique isn’t just about being different; it’s about making a difference.
Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂
I’d love to break bread with Greta Gerwig, the director of Barbie (2023). She has an incredible talent for crafting vibrant, fun stories that appeal to all ages while subtly weaving in positive and thoughtful messages. Her work manages to be fully entertaining and uplifting without losing its depth.
That’s exactly what I aim for with The Legend of CacklePatch — a whimsical story that’s enjoyable for everyone but also carries a deeper message about embracing individuality and creativity. I’d love to talk with her about how she finds that perfect balance, making stories that are both lighthearted and meaningful, and how she brings such vivid, imaginative worlds to life.
How can our readers further follow your work online?
The easiest way to keep up with the latest is generally through the company’s website, www.cacklepatch.com.
This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success on your great work!
Thank you so much! It’s been a true pleasure.
Social Impact Authors: How & Why Author CE Scantlebury Is Helping To Change Our World was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.