I have been blessed with a beautiful foundation of love and support from my parents. They showed me the positive and loving way to handle anything in my life. My mother was an excellent example of opening her heart and home to anyone in need. My father was an excellent example of a leader who was extremely humble and compassionate for all of those who worked for him. Neither my mother nor my father thought of themselves, but sought to always give what they had from their heart to others.
As part of my series about “authors who are making an important social impact,” I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, author of Tao Calligraphy to Heal and Rejuvenate Your Back (https://drsha.com/heavenslibrary/).
Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is the author of thirty-one books, including eleven New York Times bestsellers and bestsellers on the lists of the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Amazon. He brings ancient wisdom to modern times to help people reach optimal wellness and greater happiness. Dr. and Master Sha offers a guide for enhancing many aspects of life through soul secrets, wisdom, and simple, practical techniques. As a doctor of both Western and traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture and a master of several Eastern arts, he brings decades of study and experience to help people discover their own power to heal and uplift their lives.
Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into the main focus of our interview, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?
When I was six years old, my parents took me to our local park. An old tai chi master was teaching and practicing the “pushing hands” movement there with two young, strong disciples. Without any visible movement or force and without uttering a sound, suddenly the two disciples were thrown back fifteen feet. I was in awe. Wow! I ran to the old master and told him, “Grandfather [a respectful way to address an elder], I want to learn this. I really want to learn this!” The master rubbed his chin, looked down at tiny six-year-old me, and replied, “I think you are too young to learn this.” But I had such a desire to learn the master’s secrets that I was beyond persistent and insistent. After a few minutes of pleading with my parents, they had a conversation with the master. Long story short, the master accepted me as his youngest student and every weekend I would spend hours training with him. This was the beginning of my journey that continued with studying qi gong at age ten and Shaolin kung fu at age twelve. I mastered the I Ching and feng shui under the tutelage of a world leading feng shui authority. I am honored to have studied with many top masters in China to become a master myself of many ancient Chinese disciplines.
Another pivotal moment in my childhood happened when I was a young adolescent. I passed a woman sitting beside the road who was struggling to breathe. When I asked her what was the matter and how could I help, she replied between gasps for air, “I have asthma. I take medicine but it doesn’t always help. Thank you. I can only hope this will pass in a few minutes.” I felt so powerless. I really saw that the woman needed help but there was nothing I could do. I wondered why even her medicine didn’t help. This caused the seed of compassion within me to sprout, and led me to become an M.D. and a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I have devoted my life to healing — helping others become healthier and happier.
When you were younger, was there a book that you read that inspired you to take action or changed your life? Can you share a story about that?
My father gave me the book Dong Yi Gong, which means “Using Thinking Practice” by Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo, a renowned qi gong master and healer who gathered millions of followers in China. I quickly recognized in the uniqueness and quality of this book that its author was a high-level, powerful, and true master. I immediately wrote him a letter requesting to be his disciple. I was disappointed when the reply was, “Wait for a while.” But, like the six-year-old me, I persisted, writing and calling him a few more times, but receiving no encouraging response. Finally, an a call, Master Guo told to me to “wait for my letter.” Bursting with anticipation and hope, I received the letter several days later and opened it to read, “Zhi Gang, disciple.” I was overjoyed with honor. Master Guo become one of my most important teachers, and I his totally loyal and devoted worldwide representative. He taught me so much — his healing wisdom and soul secrets that he delivered to very few. He passed away several years ago, but I will honor him totally forever.
Can you share the funniest or most interesting mistake that occurred to you in the course of your career? What lesson or take away did you learn from that?
After I graduated from university in China, I was given the opportunity to learn English for one year at the Beijing Second Language Institute with a group of doctors. Most of them were traditional Chinese medicine doctors. We were playing a game of basketball. One head doctor fell and literally could not move. I asked him if I could help him. He said, “Do not touch me. I fell before and had to lie in bed for six months.” The six of us picked him up carefully and took him to a room where we laid him on a bed.
A few hours later, I went to his room to deliver a newspaper. He asked me to help him. I said, “I wanted to help you earlier when you fell, but you refused.” He said, “Within the last few hours I have had acupuncture and Chinese massage done on me and still cannot move. Please help me.”
I put my hand on his inner thigh and squeezed the muscle and tendon. I asked him to take a deep breath. Then I pulled the tendon and muscle. He shouted, “Wow! That is so painful.” I asked him to get up. He said, “I cannot move.” I said, “Try.” He slowly moved his body and stood up.
He was the head of traditional Chinese medicine doctors in the hospital. He said, “This is a miracle.”
Can you describe how you aim to make a significant social impact with your book Tao Calligraphy to Heal and Rejuvenate Your Back?
Millions of people suffer from back pain. I wrote this book to help every one of them. Even more, I want humanity to know that “They have the power to heal and transform any aspect of their lives” and that the highest healing field of Tao Source frequencies, love, light, and most-positive information, energy, and matter are available to accelerate their healing and transformation beyond comprehension. I always say, “If you want to know if a pear is sweet, taste it. If you want to know if the Tao Calligraphy Field works, experience it.” I wrote this book to serve you and all humanity through Tao Calligraphy. I deeply wish to see all humanity benefit from the Tao Calligraphy Field. My wish is for 7.8 billion people to “experience it.” When more and more people realize what is available to them, the social benefits could have no limits. This is the first book in my Tao Calligraphy series. I will quickly write many more books.
Can you share with us the most interesting story that you shared in your book?
In my book, I included twenty heart-touching testimonials about the power of Tao Calligraphy Transformative Art. I chose these recent stories from hundreds that we have received in 2022 alone. There are thousands and thousands of stories that have accumulated in the ten years I have used the Tao Calligraphy Field to serve people for all kinds of health conditions (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual), for relationships, for finances and business (see David Melzer’s story below), and for other aspects of life.
However, I shared a story in the book that predates Tao Calligraphy, which I first brought to the world in 2013 through another book, Soul Healing Miracles. As I was offering a teaching and healing workshop in India more than ten years ago, a family physician came to the stage and shared that two of his patients had self-healed chronic and serious conditions very quickly using a fundamental self-healing technique that I have taught for twenty-five years. I call it Soul Power or “soul over matter,” which means applying the power of the soul to heal and transform through a simple practice I named Say Hello Healing®. The soul can make things happen! The physician shared that one patient who had suffered from serious psoriasis affecting her whole body for seven years self-healed in seven days using only Say Hello Healing. The second patient had a large mass (about five inches across) on her uterus. With dedicated application of the Say Hello Healing formula for two hours a day, the tumor vanished after three weeks. I welcome you to read more details, as well as the twenty recent testimonials, in my new book. You can quickly learn how to use Soul Power and could get wonderful results too!
What was the “aha moment” or series of events that made you decide to bring your message to the greater world? Can you share a story about that?
If there is a series of events, it would be the ongoing crises in our world that seem to be increasing the suffering of humanity day by day. We all have witnessed and may well have been personally affected by the coronavirus pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, mental health issues, economic challenges, human-made disasters and conflicts, and more. The need for healing and transformation within humanity and for the planet is universal and immense. That is why I am confident that my message (“I have the power to heal myself. You have the power to heal yourself. Together, we have the power to heal the world.”) and teachings are more important than ever.
If there is one “aha moment,” it would be when I heard through my spiritual communication channels that we are in a great transition to a new era called the Soul Light Era. During the current transition, there will be great turmoil, as we are witnessing ad experiencing more and more. But from this transition from an era in which we have been guided — and misguided — by the mind, we will emerge into an era of soul light, with love, peace, and harmony. My message and mission are to help bring this new era into reality as quickly as possible and for as many people as possible.
Without sharing specific names, can you tell us a story about a particular individual who was impacted or helped by your cause?
I am actually delighted to share a specific name with this heart-touching story about David Meltzer, a renowned speaker, author, and entrepreneur, and the benefits he has received from applying the Tao Calligraphy Transformative Art Field in my new book. I also welcome your readers to enjoy this brief video:
As David shares in the video, he has experienced great success in his life. He was a multimillionaire by the time he was thirty and became the CEO of the world’s most notable sports agency, which was the inspiration and model for the movie, “Jerry Maguire.” Despite all of David’s success, happiness was beyond his reach. After going through serious personal challenges, David says he learned a valuable lesson: you can’t buy love or happiness.
David and I met about ten years ago through our mutual book agent, Bill Gladstone. David shared his initial response to meeting me:
“I was extremely skeptical. I represented the greatest athletes, celebrities, and entertainers in the world, people who carried the spirit of excellence. It took a lot to get my attention when it came to vibration, frequency, or light. But once I met Dr. and Master Sha, I knew there was something special. There was a spirit of excellence and I wanted to be around it.”
I gifted David two Tao Calligraphies and instructed him to trace them for ten minutes a day. David did this dedicatedly and his life started to change:
“My life changed dramatically: my health, my relationships, my perspective, my mindset. I don’t even know sometimes where the wisdom and enlightenment come from. People who have known me for years will comment as they watch the speeches and the books and TV shows and all the things that I am involved with and say, ‘When did you get so smart?’
“Even though there is no logic or reason that would tell you that by tracing a piece of art on your wall your life would change, they work. I can tell you I don’t know how it works. But I step on airplanes about two hundred days a year and I still don’t know how an airplane flies, but I have faith every time I step on a plane that it’s safer than driving my car home. I have faith in those calligraphies. My life has been impacted exponentially in every aspect: from health, happiness, wealth, and worthiness. What more can you ask for?
“People come to me and say, ‘Mr. Meltzer, what can I do to change my life?’ The first thing I tell them to do is to say ‘thank you’ before they go to bed and when they wake up. The next thing I tell them to do is to get a calligraphy from Master Sha and trace it. Both don’t take very much time, and both have impacted my life more than anything else that I’ve ever done.”
David Meltzer’s original desire and request were for financial abundance. Within eighteen months of receiving and tracing the Tao Calligraphy Dao Ye Chang Sheng 道業昌盛 (Tao career flourishes), his business grew from $1.5 million to $60 million, and he has continued to receive more and more financial abundance. However, he also explained that he has received much more than financial abundance: improved family harmony, inspired wisdom, the ability to fulfill his greatest dream to serve humanity — all of this and more have totally transformed his life.
Are there three things the community/society/politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?
On September 10, 2005, I was in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the beautiful Muir Woods National Monument, I asked the Divine for a song for my mission. I received the song, “Love, Peace, and Harmony” and the Divine guided me to share this as a gift to humanity. The song is short, simple, and sweet: “I love my heart and soul. I love all humanity. Join hearts and souls together. Love, peace, and harmony. Love, peace, and harmony.” This is what anyone and everyone — communities, society, and politicians — can do to address the root problem of humanity’s suffering in any aspect of life. We need to join hearts and soul together to bring love, peace, and harmony into every aspect of life.
How do you define “Leadership”? Can you explain what you mean or give an example?
I have received the Ten Da. “Da” means greatest in Chinese. The Ten Da are the ten greatest qualities of Tao, the ultimate Source and Creator. Therefore, I believe they are also the qualities of a great leader. The Ten Da are greatest love, greatest forgiveness, greatest compassion, greatest light, greatest humility, greatest harmony, greatest flourishing, greatest gratitude, greatest service, and greatest enlightenment. To me, the best leader is one who leads with love, forgiveness, and compassion, one who is humble and does not lead from ego, one who strives to bring harmony, flourishing, and light, one who is grateful for the honor and opportunity. In two words, the best leader is a servant leader. For a personal example, please see my response to the next question.
What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why? Please share a story or example for each.
I have been blessed with a beautiful foundation of love and support from my parents. They showed me the positive and loving way to handle anything in my life. My mother was an excellent example of opening her heart and home to anyone in need. My father was an excellent example of a leader who was extremely humble and compassionate for all of those who worked for him. Neither my mother nor my father thought of themselves, but sought to always give what they had from their heart to others.
I was a student leader from elementary school through university. I gave my love and service to everyone unconditionally. Their status, background, and more did not matter to me. I treated everyone equally.
Therefore, this has been my guiding path in every aspect of what I do and seek to bring forth in my life. I cannot say there are five things I wish someone had told me because I have learned so much from my parents and many, many others — both “teachers” and others — to help me become a servant for humanity.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
“The purpose of life is to serve.” I include this as the first line in more than ten of my books. I immediately follow it with the statement, “I have committed my life to this purpose.”
Is there a person in the world or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂
I look at every day as an opportunity to meet with so many souls to help them, to hear their suffering, and to try and make a difference for them. I honor everyone who has attained great success and renown, but my ambition and desire are not to meet anyone famous. In my eyes and in my heart, I honor everyone for who they are. My ambition and desire are to serve everyone, to make others healthier and happier. I am fulfilling my purpose whether I serve you, an “ordinary” person, a wealthy person, a homeless person, or a famous person. I have served all of these kinds of people, from all walks and stations in life. To me, everyone is equal. Everyone deserves to be healthy and happy. I try to make no distinctions.
How can our readers further follow your work online?
My main website is DrSha.com. This is also a portal to my Global Center and eleven other Centers around the world. Readers can also follow me on social media, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Especially on Facebook and YouTube, you can find many complimentary teachings, blessings, and programs. Also, check out my major charitable 501(c)(3) organization, the Love Peace Harmony Foundation (see above about the Divine’s song, “Love, Peace, and Harmony”), at lovepeaceharmony.org.
This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success on your great work!
Social Impact Authors: How & Why Dr & Master Zhi Gang Sha Is Helping to Change Our World was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.