Embrace Flexibility: Flexibility in addressing everyday issues has been crucial at TeleSesh. For example, we once faced a situation where a key therapist had to take unexpected leave. This could have disrupted our sessions, but we quickly reorganized our schedules and had other team members step in to cover the sessions. This adaptability ensured that our clients continued to receive uninterrupted service and highlighted the importance of being flexible and resourceful in managing day-to-day operations.
As part of my series about “individuals and organizations making an important social impact”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Melissa Miller-Ramierz.
Melissa Miller-Ramierz is a professional speech therapist, author of the children’s book We Can Teach You To Talk, and Founder and CEO of TeleSesh, a leading teletherapy provider focused on helping children improve their speech and language skills. Melissa’s goal is to provide children nationwide the opportunity to receive the speech therapy services and education they need while bridging the gap of therapy accessibility.
Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
I always knew I wanted to work with kids. After graduating school, I began working as a speech language pathologist with children with Autism. I learned a lot about working with behavior challenges and building a strong rapport with clients. When I first tried teletherapy, I was a bit nervous I wouldn’t be able to connect as well with my clients. After a year of teletherapy, I saw that many of my clients not only met their goals faster than I expected, but they also seemed to enjoy our online sessions more than in-person sessions. This is when I had the idea to start a teletherapy company (pre Covid) to spread awareness on the benefits of teletherapy.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company or organization?
I think the most interesting thing that has happened since launching TeleSesh is the organic growth of the company. I originally didn’t have the intention of growing the company past a few therapists, but when Covid happened and schools needed online options, TeleSesh was one of the only companies around at the time. I have always been dedicated to operating on strong ethics and communication and our reputation is still built on that. I think we grew organically by not only being in the right place at the right time, but also by ensuring we were offering quality services. I still have to pinch myself sometimes at how far TeleSesh has come over the last few years.
It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?
I agree with this statement 100 percent! I made so many mistakes getting started and had to learn quite quickly how to run and manage a business. I had my business all set up and ready to go but very little traction in 2019. When Covid hit in 2020, my business exploded. I remember hiring my first employee, a speech therapist, and not having any onboarding or training at all for her. I remember she called me after she was hired and said, “Melissa, I am just wondering what I am supposed to do next?” I had to scramble to figure things out, that’s for sure. The best part is that she is still on the TeleSesh team today and we laugh about how far we have come since then.
Can you describe how you or your organization is making a significant social impact?
After working in schools and home health as a speech language pathologist, I saw that there is a significant need for accessible speech therapy. It can be difficult for parents to find the support their child needs and once they locate a therapy center in their area, there are typically long waitlists or the therapist in that area may not be the best fit for the child’s need. Then in schools, children must have a fairly significant delay in order to qualify. Many children that have mild delays fall through the cracks. Parents are told their child does not have a learning disability and do not qualify for special education services despite potentially not having the skills to thrive socially and academically. Online speech therapy is making therapy accessible and convenient for families so that all children can get the support that they need to succeed in the world.
Can you tell us a story about a particular individual who was impacted or helped by your cause?
Ahh I have so many I will have to just pick one. My favorite part of this line of work is all of the success stories of the kids. One of my favorites was one of my first clients when I was still practicing as a speech therapist and just launched TeleSesh. It was an 8 year old girl who was so vibrant and smart, but her confidence was being significantly impacted because she wasn’t able to say her /r/ sound. She was being made fun of at school and had been trying SO hard to work on the /r/ sound, but it just wasn’t getting any better. The first thing I did was help to build her confidence back up. I knew that if she believed that she could make the /r/ sound, it would help significantly. After only 2 months of working together 2x per week, she finally made the /r/ sound. I watched this little girl blossom so much over the course of working together. What we are doing not only helps children in the educational setting, but it also helps to improve their confidence to go out in the world and believe in themselves.
Are there three things the community/society/politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?
Absolutely. First, increasing funding for therapy services is vital. Adequate resources ensure all children can access quality therapy, regardless of their location or financial situation. Second, we need to promote awareness and destigmatize therapy. Open conversations about mental health and special education and supportive campaigns can make a big difference. Lastly, supporting policy changes to make therapy more accessible and affordable is crucial. Advocating for telehealth initiatives and ensuring comprehensive insurance coverage can help us reach more children in need.
How do you define “Leadership”? Can you explain what you mean or give an example?
To me, leadership is about inspiring and empowering others to reach their full potential while driving toward a common goal. It involves creating a strong company culture and a positive environment where everyone feels valued and motivated. For example, at TeleSesh, we focus on fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere. This means actively listening to our team members, encouraging collaboration, and celebrating successes together. By doing so, we’ve built a team that is not only dedicated to our mission but also passionate about making a difference in the lives of the children we serve. A positive environment where people feel appreciated and engaged is key to driving innovation and achieving our goals.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.
Looking back, there are definitely five things I wish someone had told me when I first started TeleSesh:
- Embrace Flexibility: Flexibility in addressing everyday issues has been crucial at TeleSesh. For example, we once faced a situation where a key therapist had to take unexpected leave. This could have disrupted our sessions, but we quickly reorganized our schedules and had other team members step in to cover the sessions. This adaptability ensured that our clients continued to receive uninterrupted service and highlighted the importance of being flexible and resourceful in managing day-to-day operations.
- The Importance of Self-Care: In the beginning, I was so consumed with building the company that I neglected my own well-being. I learned the hard way that taking time for self-care is essential to avoid burnout. For example, I now make it a point to take regular breaks and engage in activities I enjoy, like yoga and being in nature, which helps me stay energized and focused.
- Listen to Your Team: Early on, I made decisions without seeking much input from my team, thinking it would save time. However, I realized that listening to their insights and feedback not only improved our services but also boosted team morale. For example, our therapists suggested incorporating more interactive games into sessions, which significantly enhanced student engagement.
- Be Ready for Tech Challenges: I wish someone had prepared me for the inevitable tech hiccups. There was a memorable instance where our platform went down during a crucial school presentation. It taught me the importance of having a reliable tech support team and backup plans in place.
- Celebrate Small Wins: Initially, I was so focused on big milestones that I overlooked the importance of celebrating small achievements. Recognizing these moments keeps the team motivated and positive. For example, we now celebrate every time a student achieves a significant progress milestone, no matter how small, which reinforces our commitment to their success.
You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
If I could inspire a movement, it would focus on ensuring every child has access to quality speech and language therapy. Communication is fundamental to learning, social interaction, and personal development. This movement would advocate for integrating speech therapy into all schools, making it as essential as math or science. We would push for policies that support teletherapy, breaking down geographical and financial barriers. By making speech therapy accessible to all children, we can help them reach their full potential, improve their educational outcomes, and enhance their ability to connect with others. Such a movement could transform lives, fostering a more inclusive and communicative society.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
My favorite life lesson quote is, ‘Everything is figureoutable,’ and I keep a sign with this on my desk as a reminder. This mindset has been crucial in running TeleSesh. Every day brings new challenges, whether it’s dealing with scheduling conflicts, meeting diverse client needs, or navigating unexpected logistical issues. This quote reminds me to approach each problem with a solution-oriented mindset. It helps me stay calm and confident, knowing that we can figure out a way to overcome any obstacle. This philosophy has been key to maintaining a resilient and innovative approach in our business.
Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂
If I could have a private breakfast or lunch with anyone, it would be Melinda Gates. Her work in philanthropy and education is incredibly inspiring. I admire her dedication to improving lives through innovative solutions and her commitment to addressing systemic issues in education and health. Having the opportunity to discuss how we can further advance access to therapy and educational resources for children would be invaluable. Her insights and experience would provide great guidance for TeleSesh as we continue to grow and make a positive impact.
How can our readers further follow your work online?
Readers can follow our work online by visiting our website at TeleSesh.com, where we regularly post updates about our programs and services. You can also find us on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram under the handle @Tele.Sesh, where we share tips, success stories, and the latest news in online therapy. You can also follow my Instagram account, @melissamillerramirez.
This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success in your great work!
Thank you for the opportunity!
Social Impact Heroes: Why & How Melissa Miller-Ramierz of TeleSesh Is Helping To Change Our World was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.