If you want to change the world, it starts with you. We must change OUR worlds, then it will immediately effect those around you. Now it’s a trickle-down effect,
As a part of our “Unstoppable” series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Mike Ball (@Ballvalvetv).
Mike Ball, a well-known figure in the Motorcycle Culture for overcoming a traumatic motorcycle accident that severed his leg on the scene.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! It is really an honor. Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you share your “backstory” with us?
My name is Mike Ball, a medical inspiration after having my limb severed off. I survived and am prospering after a near fatal motorcycle accident, what I made what seemed impossible, possible. I spent 26 days in ICU at the University of Irvine in Orange County. Just 30 days after my release from the hospital I was back on my Harley Davidson doing what I love most, riding and being able to be side by side with people that are in similar situations as myself. I continue my daily life as if I still has all my limbs, being driven to strive harder in life to come out better than before. I am there to comfort others via Instagram (@Ballvalvetv) which aligns with his inspiration to become a motivational speaker.
Do you feel comfortable sharing with us the story surrounding how you became disabled or became ill? What mental shift did you make to not let that “stop you”?
March 6th, 2021, a block down away from home, a woman in a mid-size SUV made a 90-degree left turn into her housing tract from the main road, Magnolia Ave, at approximately at 75–80 MPH. I was riding up the opposite side of the street returning home from a charity event I had attended with my motorcycle club. The woman, during her left turn, T-boned my left side, severing my leg and shattering my scapula upon impact at the scene. The bike laid out across the road in pieces. I looked down after tumbling for a quarter mile and saw I had lost the lower half of my left leg, just below the knee. At that very moment, I said to myself, “This is my new life and if I’m going to survive this, I have to accept it now.” From that day forward, that’s exactly what Iv’e done. I accepted my injury and I live every day as if I was completely abled. I do not see it negatively, rather I believe it to be a motivation.
Can you tell our readers about the accomplishments you have been able to make despite your disability or illness?
Though I have a disability, I don’t think of myself with one. I can do everything anyone else can do, except a little differently. Everyone wants to be unique until it’s time to do unique things. I am still able to walk, hike, and do everything I did prior to my accident, just with additional help.
What advice would you give to other people who have disabilities or limitations?
Strength is 10% physical, 90% mental. Learning how to teach yourself PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) is massive.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are?
There is too many that deserve to be mentioned. You are only as good as your support.
Mike couldn’t be more thankful for the strong men in his life that stepped up to the plate and really made an impact on him. Bradley Ball (His father) @captainbrad1964, and Karlo, known as Big Drift (Motorcycle father) @Bigdrift_207 were some of the two men who really made sure Mike never went without support.
How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?
If you want to change the world, it starts with you. We must change OUR worlds, then it will immediately effect those around you. Now it’s a trickle-down effect.
I spend my time spreading positivity and unity on my Instagram page and co-hosts a YouTube show called, “DemonsRow.” I speak about how I do every day “normal” things that are a little harder to do for me than it is for most. I love to make videos of my life and spread positive content for other people that are dealing with similar lifestyles.
Can you share “5 things I wish people understood or knew about people with physical limitations” and why.
- We need more compassion within society.
- Looking different is okay.
- Everyone is going through something rough; everyone’s emotions are valid.
- Limitation is a mentality.
- Disabilities can bring us up rather than down. It’s all a perspective.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”?
“When you think you’ve lived, keep living.”
We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this 🙂
If Mike Ball could have a private breakfast with anyone it would be Gary Vay-Ner-Chuck @Garyvee. Mike watches Gary’s online inspirational reels daily and is a massive reason why Mike has the mentality and positivity that he does.
“You are the average of the 5 people you hang around for no good reason.”
Mike Ball would be honored to have Gary as apart of his top 5.
Mike Ball (@ballvalvetv) • Instagram photos and videos
Thank you so much for these insights! This was so inspiring!
Unstoppable: How Mike Ball Has Redefined Success While Navigating Society with a Severed Limb was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.