You can begin by just having a positive attitude. If you constantly oppose the world, you won’t make any progress. Instead, strive to be the best version of yourself and have a deep understanding of the facts. Remember, there will always be people who are resistant to change, and it’s important to accept this reality, too.
An upstander is the opposite of a bystander. A bystander is someone who stands by while others are being bullied, maligned, or mistreated. An upstander is someone who stands up to protect and advocate for the victim. We are sadly seeing a surge of hate, both online and in the real world. Many vulnerable minorities feel threatened and under attack. What measures are individuals, communities, and organizations taking to stand up against Antisemitism, Racism, Bigotry, and Hate? In this interview series, we are talking to activists, community leaders, and individuals who are Upstanders against hate, to share what they are doing and to inspire others to do the same. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Lillee Jean.
Lillee Jean is an actress from New York City. She has trained at the prestigious T. Schreiber Studio, studying the Meisner Technique and dialects, and under Hollywood actors Michel Corbiere and Edgardo Rubio. She is most known for the Hollywood celebrity talk show Lillee Jean TALKS! Live, and the productions she directed, produced, and wrote including, her breakout short film Miss Roxie and her newest in-production project The Trapper Trap — Part 1. Her most recent show, So Lillo Qui, focuses on monologues and dialogues performed by the actress with pieces self-written such as ‘Cafe Goodbye.”
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you tell us your “Origin Story”? Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?
Thank you too! When I was a child, I used to make stop-motion videos for my blog. I wore many hats from filmmaker to writer, director, and actress. Although I created many skits, one of the most memorable short films I did was an ice skating competition with my American Girl dolls, who were the lead stars. I was in charge of the voiceover portion and I created a really funny plot that occurred during the routine portion. I enjoyed developing detailed storylines and filming the footage myself, as well. Although I had no formal training, I grew up in the digital age, I’m Gen Z and learned from others in my favorite films to understand the “process.” Films such as The Nightmare Before Christmas were huge inspirations for me! I shared my work with friends and teachers at school and gained a following of people excited to see what I would create next. In elementary, and middle school I furthered my interest in the performing arts and participated in cheerleading, and several productions such as The Nutcracker, and The Wizard of Oz. My passion for film, and storytelling through various mediums has only grown, and is what led me to where I am today as a professional actress.
Can you share a personal story of how you experienced or encountered antisemitism, racism, bigotry, or hate? How did that experience shape your perception and actions moving forward?
On my mother’s side of the family we are Ashkenazi Jews, with roots spanning from Russia and Germany. My great great grandparents believed that the growing hatred towards Jewish people had reached a height in Europe that was out of control, and to keep our family safe, the best way for the family was to come to America, for a better life, and for religious tolerance. The dreams and visions my ancestors had for our family’s future, however, are fading due to a rise in anti-semitic hate. My mother and grandmother always told me as a child we should never forget what happened to the Jews in Europe, and we should never forget the lessons we learned. Being part of the Gen Z generation, I never realized what they were telling me could come true, until my life was turned upside down six years ago by a group of cyberstalkers, who are passionate about ruining people’s lives online in a variety of ways.
The antisemitic hatred runs deep within their group, as evidenced by their continual cyberstalking of me. They have tried to run my life’s narrative, embodying what the Nazi’s were formed on, the “belief that all Jews should not exist.” They have gone to great lengths to spread their message of hate, integrating themselves into groups, for example, where children convene to game and socialize on discord servers (by pretending themselves to be as young as the people they are recruiting) much like the Nazi’s did over 70 years ago.
The attacks I have endured by this group have included anti-semitic name calling, death threats, creation of hundreds of online Nazi accounts (some named after Nazi war criminals), to harass me, sending fake bombs and packages through the mail to my home, as well as a continual barrage of anti-semitic comments, through emails, and DMs in an attempt to scare me. Tactics such as stealing for instance my baby photos, and using photoshop to then put blood on my face, with Nazi symbols, as well as other tactical threats, aimed at belittling Jewish people have been the route these cyberstalkers have taken through this entire experience.
Members of this Cult are what you would consider normal, well-adjusted members of society. As an example, a woman who lives in Maine with her husband who is the town’s veterinarian stole my family’s ancestral records, so that she could create a family tree for me. Because she has a historical degree, she intended to prove I wasn’t Jewish to everyone. Funny thing is, we’re talking about a person who has everything to live for. She appears to have an upper middle class lifestyle, and she works for a well known bank as a financial professional. I am not sure whether her family knows or condones the other side of her, which is a mentally imbalanced person who hates Jewish people and has repeatedly tried to steal my identity, pride, and roots. For example, she stole my great grandmother’s immigration records to prove her point, using fake accounts on social media platforms. Why would someone come up with this concept? I couldn’t answer that question to anyone, but I can say that as a person who is born of two faiths (Jewish and Lutheran), I embrace them both. I identify more with my Jewish roots than my Lutheran roots, primarily because I am so close to my family on my mother’s side.
The question of how to stop hatred of people based on their religions and beliefs is one that I have no real answer to. I think it’s an age-old question that will never be quite answered. In addition to raising awareness and educating people, we must remember that many of those being “educated” are being taught by their own parents, who quite frankly may be like the women in Maine. People who hate like this only care about their hatred. They persecute someone for their religion and beliefs, they don’t know why they despise the group they are targeting, and their ignorance is something that cannot be untaught in my opinion.
Can you describe how you or your organization is helping to stand up against hate? What inspired you to take up this cause?
Lillee Jean Productions is standing up against hate by not hiding my Jewish heritage, faith, and by working with Jewish companies, such as Lazorgan Beauty, as their American model. Additionally, I believe in diversity, and everyone is welcomed to work for me and my company, regardless of faith, and beliefs.
Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your work as an Upstander?
I think since being an Upstander, I realized I really have nothing to prove to anyone in this lifetime. There are so many different people you will meet in life, that are interesting and will always add value to your life.
Could you share an inspiring story that demonstrates the impact your efforts have had on an individual or community?
I have an inspiring story about the impact of my Upstander efforts working with Adah Lazorgan and her son Guy Lazorgan. Being a Jewish corporation in Israel, has definitely given them some harsh challenges that they have had to overcome, as a result of the anti-semitic hatred that is running within this world at an all time high. I have been their official American model for several months now, as they transition into the United States market, and I am so very proud to represent my people in this way.
In your opinion, why do you think there has been such a surge of antisemitism, racism, bigotry, & hate, recently?
I believe that many of the issues we face today, such as immigration and wars, have been present in the past. For instance, during the early 1900s, there was a surge of immigrants into New York City, and people faced similar challenges with hate. However, what made a difference was their communication and their ability to learn from one another, realizing that we are all the same. Unfortunately, nowadays, we don’t have that common ground. People tend to think they are activists just because they express their opinions online, which comes off as aggressive. Real activism, in my opinion, is speaking to people and understanding their perspectives. What do you have to prove? Nothing.
Are there three things the community/society/politicians can do to help you address the root of the problem you are trying to solve?
The three things that the community, society, and politicians can do to address the root of the problem are: not engaging in unhealthy and unethical practices; questioning why politicians use social media platforms such as Twitter instead of an official US Government website; and avoiding tit-for-tat responses online. Why are our politicians fighting through Twitter “x” while in the same Congressional hall? That is so…weird! These behaviors only aid in promoting hate and are a poor example for society. It emboldens people to emulate the same behavior, seeing it as being an acceptable form of communication. Society needs to become more empathetic towards one another and stop being so cold. Our community needs to disconnect from their phones and get to know each other in real life again.
What are your “5 Things Everyone Can Do To Be An Upstander”? If you can, please share a story or an example for each.
1 . Think of things positively! You have the power to be a leader in a subject with just your positive input.
2 . Don’t just say something, walk the walk. Know the facts, and be able to speak confidently, because you know it’s the truth.
3 . Don’t push someone, or pressure them into doing something. People naturally through actions can see who you are, and what impact you have.
4 . Connect with other people in a community with positive outreach programs to uplift one another.
5 . Don’t give into hate. Unless a response is needed to stand your ground on a serious subject, walk away.
How do you handle the emotional toll that comes with being an Upstander?
There is no emotional toll for me because if someone chooses to start a fight I really have no time for it mentally. I am busy doing too many things, with writing my screenplay, and location scouting for The Trapper Trap — Part 1. I don’t have to fight the world I feel, nor try to change someone.
If you were in charge of the major social media companies, what would you do to address the hate on the platforms? Could you share specific strategies or policies that you believe would be effective in addressing hate on social media platforms?
The only way to address the hate on social platforms is simple. Limit accounts to one account (unless it is a business or company) per person; have actual humans checking reports for hate; ban all accounts that are bots; ban parody accounts; and ban the IP’s of people who persist on creating the accounts. That’s simple, but costs money to hire those specific teams.
I feel Congress is way out of touch, too. You have 80 year olds who don’t even know what an Onion, Tor or Discord is. You need people my age to make this motion for change, because they’re aware of the online gambling, the hate, and the trafficking that is going on. How do you solve an issue if the educational facts are ghosts? You cannot! You need to address this head on with facts. I believe those in Congress are more worried that their investment stocks will plummet because the numbers for users on platforms will be significantly lower IF action on bots, parodies, and overall hate accounts (which are often “alt” and anon creations) are banned. Each bot is 1 for users, which is enticing for investors. If you imagine, for each real person they have 1 alt, 1 parody, 1 troll account, that’s already 3 accounts. Those 3 accounts, go towards let’s say 400,000,000 current user data for an investor to want to play the stock market with! It’s a pretty number. The sad part is, those accounts hurt real lives, and real people. The amount of people who have committed suicide with instances like just those 3 accounts, has no price tag.
How would you answer someone who says: “Hate speech is permitted under the US Constitution. Why are you so worried about permitted, and legal speech?”
The law is constantly changing and evolving. Currently, hate speech is allowed in America, which means that one can say anything they want as long as it doesn’t lead to a hate crime. However, this does not imply that the laws will remain the same in the future. They will change over time. Why think like they won’t? It doesn’t move forward.

Are you optimistic that we can solve this problem in the United States? Can you please explain what you mean?
Yes, I am optimistic that we can solve this problem in the United States of America. It starts with people growing their hearts back, and getting off the phone.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to become an Upstander but doesn’t know where to start?
You can begin by just having a positive attitude. If you constantly oppose the world, you won’t make any progress. Instead, strive to be the best version of yourself and have a deep understanding of the facts. Remember, there will always be people who are resistant to change, and it’s important to accept this reality, too.
In what ways can education be leveraged to combat antisemitism, racism, bigotry, and hate?
Education can be a powerful tool in fighting against antisemitism, racism, bigotry, and hate. In the age of digital media, it can play an important role in shaping people’s decisions based on truth and facts. Additionally, it’s important to remind individuals to think and feel with empathy, putting themselves in others’ shoes. They’d feel a lot differently about what they said. Social media has desensitized many people, making them cold-hearted.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
I live by the clever words of the late Queen Elizabeth II “Never complain, never explain.” Why explain?
Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would like to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. 🙂
I would love to meet Taylor Swift. She is talented, and her re-recorded album shows her tenacity and savvy. I also think she is inspiring for many women out there to go out, and chase your dreams head on! 100 years ago, could you imagine a woman just creating her own project with her husband’s approval or oversight? Pickford is a pioneer, as is Swift for women to realize, you can do this. No matter the good or the bad, Taylor Swift always is standing. They create so many terrible stories about her, and I think her going out beautiful each time just “shakes” it off!
How can our readers further follow your work online?
Recent Films:
Miss Roxie: https://www.lilleejean.com/post/lillee-jean-miss-roxie-short-drama-film-2023
The Trapper Trap — Part 1: https://www.lilleejean.com/the-trapper-trap-part-1-film-lillee-jean
Recent Shows:
Lillee Jean TALKS! Live: https://www.lilleejean.com/lj-talks-live
So Lillo Qui Episodes: https://www.lilleejean.com/so-lillo-qui
Mind Over Beaute Episodes: https://www.lilleejean.com/lillee-jean-mind-over-beaute-episodes
Voyager With Lillee Jean: https://www.lilleejean.com/voyager-with-lillee-jean
Social Media:
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm10479689/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilleejean
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/REALlilleejean/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/lilleejean
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/LilleeJean/
Tumblr: https://lilleejean.tumblr.com/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lillee-jean-b97621215
YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/LilleeJean
Manager (NYC): Laura Trueman: [email protected]
This was very meaningful, thank you so much. We wish you only continued success in your important work!
Upstanders: How Lillee Jean Is Standing Up Against Antisemitism, Racism, Bigotry, and Hate was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.