zLillee Jean: Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel; 5 Reasons To Be Hopeful During This Corona Crisis

Be aware of the danger signs of depression, whether it is yourself or friends or family; I believe meditation for an individual can be beneficial. I find it to be relaxing and puts me in a better position mentally, to go on with my day. If it is a friend or family, make sure you are there for them, just to text, talk, zoom and listen.
As a part of my series about the things we can do to remain hopeful and support each other during anxious times, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lillee Jean.
Lillee Jean is a beauty and lifestyle YouTuber and Instagram social media celebrity who brings makeup tutorials, lifestyle, and beauty blogging to the internet. She is an accomplished actress, model, writer, producer, director, entrepreneur, influencer, and vlogger. Lillee Jean was born in New York in 2001. Her content often touches on current event topics such as the climate change and the current Covid pandemic. Lillee Jean is an advocate for laws to change regarding online bullying, (something she has had to deal with herself), in her career. In 2020 she created a live web series, which she airs on her verified Instagram channel, called “Lillee Jean TALKS! Live”. It is also on her YouTube channel, as well as on her website, and is IMDB approved.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?
I’m an Aries, born April 18, 2001, in New York. Always a creative person, I was drawn to entertaining and the arts at an early age.
Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?
I feel that the “Art of War”, by Sun Tzu is one of the most important books, that has made an impact on me as a person. You might find this to be odd, but Sun Tzu, although a master military strategist, also taught and subscribed to knowing your opponent, likes, and weaknesses and finding common ground to lend peace to most volatile matters. It is a brilliant book, and I believe that in most situations, you can apply this book today to day life.
Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s move to the main focus of our interview. Many people have become anxious from the dramatic jolts of the news cycle. The fears related to the coronavirus pandemic have heightened a sense of uncertainty, fear, and loneliness. From your perspective can you help our readers to see the “Light at the End of the Tunnel”? Can you share your “5 Reasons To Be Hopeful During this Corona Crisis”? If you can, please share a story or example for each.
This is a devastating pandemic that has brought out the worst in people. We also have seen mental health on the climb because of the profound loneliness that people are feeling, as well as the economic loss. It of course does’t help to see the supply chain is breaking, to add to the pressure of a perfect boiling pot. I believe, however, with anything, there is always a light to be seen at the end of the tunnel. We’ve made it halfway there, we have learned to work remotely, we have learned to communicate remotely, and yes, it is quite devastating not to see friends and family, as often as we would like, but perspectively we need to say to ourselves, regardless, we are winning. Even though it can feel so awful, not doing the normal things you’d like to do, it is important to notice, the resilience of all of us, to come together to prevail.
From your experience or research what are five steps that each of us can take to effectively offer support to those around us who are feeling anxious? Can you explain?
- Be aware of the danger signs of depression, whether it is yourself or friends or family; I believe meditation for an individual can be beneficial. I find it to be relaxing and puts me in a better position mentally, to go on with my day. If it is a friend or family, make sure you are there for them, just to text, talk, zoom and listen.
- Keep active. Even if we end up having to be homebound more than we would like, staying active is even more important than it was before;
- Keep the humor and the lightness in your step. While things feel really bad now, just to say you’re alive still and healthy, means you can fight another day;
- Maybe now is the time to get moving on things you put off in the past; house repairs or even organization is a good mind exercise;
- Be a sounding board for people you know so they don’t fail; this is the most fragile time we’ve all globally placed, and it is really important to support each other.
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life?
President Theodore Roosevelt said, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Such a true statement. I am an optimist, so anytime something gets in my way, and that can be my issue, I remember that statement. I am the person driving my ship, mentally and physically, and I believe in myself.
You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂
It would be for people to stop sweating the small stuff. Seems like this pandemic brought out so many fears in people, all bad. You can’t sit there and allow your life to be ruined by things that you have no control over, or a potential that may or may not happen.
What is the best way for our readers to follow you online?
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilleejean/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGQF-GZ2oWfgb1NN3QtJJlA (Lillee Jean)
Websites: https://www.lilleejean.com and https://www.lilleejeanbeauty.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealLilleeJean
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/LilleeJean
Digital Art: https://www.deviantart.com/lilleejean
Giphy: https://giphy.com/lilleejean
Tenor: https://tenor.com/official/lilleejean
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm10479689/
Thank you for these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!
zLillee Jean: Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel; 5 Reasons To Be Hopeful During This Corona… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.